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Writer's pictureKeonda Webb

Your ability to forgive is directly linked to your physical health & well-being.

Studies linking forgiveness to physical health have found several interesting correlations and potential benefits. Here is a summarized overview of the key findings:

Reduced Stress: Forgiveness is associated with lower stress levels. When individuals forgive, they tend to experience decreased physiological stress responses, such as lower heart rate and blood pressure. This can lead to a reduced risk of stress-related health problems.

Improved Immune Function: Forgiveness may boost the immune system. Holding onto anger and resentment can weaken the immune response, while forgiving can have the opposite effect, enhancing the body's ability to fight off illnesses.

Lower Risk of Chronic Diseases: Some studies suggest that forgiveness is linked to a lower risk of chronic health conditions. Chronic stress and negative emotions, often associated with unforgiveness, are risk factors for conditions like heart disease, diabetes, and hypertension.

Better Mental Health: Forgiveness is positively correlated with improved mental health outcomes. It can reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety, leading to better overall psychological well-being. Enhanced mental health can indirectly contribute to better physical health.

Enhanced Relationships: Forgiveness can lead to improved social connections and relationships, which have been shown to have a positive impact on physical health. Strong social support networks are associated with better health outcomes.

Pain Reduction: Forgiveness interventions have been found to reduce chronic pain levels in some individuals. This may be due to the stress-reduction effects of forgiveness.

Longevity: Some research suggests that forgiveness may be linked to increased longevity. Holding grudges and harboring anger can contribute to a shorter lifespan, while forgiveness may promote a longer, healthier life.

According to Dr. Steven Standiford, chief of surgery at the Cancer Treatment Centers of America, refusing to forgive makes people sick and keeps them that way. With that in mind, forgiveness therapy is now being used to help treat diseases, such as cancer.

“It’s important to treat emotional wounds or disorders because they really can hinder someone’s reactions to the treatments, even someone’s willingness to pursue treatment,” Standiford explained.

Of all cancer patients, 61 percent have forgiveness issues. Of those, more than half are severe, according to research by Dr. Michael Barry, a pastor and the author of the book, The Forgiveness Project. “Harboring these negative emotions, this anger and hatred, creates a state of chronic anxiety,” he said.

“Chronic anxiety very predictably produces excess adrenaline and cortisol, which deplete the production of natural killer cells, which is your body’s foot soldier in the fight against cancer,” he explained. The fact is, of course, this applies to everyone, not just cancer patients.

Overall, the evidence suggests that forgiveness can have a positive influence on physical health by reducing stress, improving immune function, and promoting overall well-being. However, more research is needed to fully understand the extent of these effects and the factors that mediate them.

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